We provide the commercial, industrial and heavy civil sector of the concrete industry with the skill set required to complete today’s high quality demands on strict project timelines. From product knowledge to safety and training, Viper Concrete ensures our teams of placers and finishers are the best the industry has to offer.
Viper Concrete bases its commercial and industrial placing and finishing operations from its head office in Calgary. Although this is where we base these services, we are set-up for completing these projects not just in Calgary but remotely across southern Alberta.
Our professional and experienced staff understands timelines of projects and quality of workmanship. From estimation and planning to pre-pours and quality control checks, Viper Concrete will take pride in placing and finishing to meet your projects requirements.
Pads and Footings
Walls and Columns
Grade Beams
Mud Slabs
Raft Slabs
Slab On Grade
Qdeck Slabs
Standard Specification Slabs
Floor Flatness Specification Slabs
Suspended / Structural Slabs
Standard Specification Slabs
Floor Flatness Specification Slabs
Concrete Toppings
Exterior Slabs
Broom Finish Sidewalk
Aprons and Ramps
Broom Finish
Herringbone Specifications
Exposed Aggregate
Pattern Stamp
Saw-Cutting Services
Hotel Arts Project
Winsport Arenas at COP
Canada Sports Hall Of Fame at COP
Vulcan Water Spillway
Westbrook LRT Office Building
Drumheller Federal Institution Upgrade
Husky Sunrise Refinery Project
Kiewit Enmax Energy
Eighth Avenue Place East
Eighth Avenue Place West
Centennial Tower East
Centennial Tower West
Nova Gas Pelletizer Expansion
Shell Gas Plant Exosnsion
8th and 8th Tower
Centre 10 tower
Eleventh Avenue Place
To be the premier and most valued provider of concrete services through dedication to the industry and commitment to customer service.